Close to givin up

My dear lovely readers,

You've probably noticed I haven't been posting very much lately. I'm not entirely sure what's going on,
but these past three months the blogging has became kind of obligation instead of fun.
I mean sometimes I was taking pictures of outfits just because I know I have to update and let you somehow know that I'm alive. I've been hounding the people to photograph me the day before posting and I've barely found some time to be with those I love.
And that's not what I really want. So I'm wondering, what would it be like to just... stop. To just delete Wild and Minded and move on. What would I do with all that time?
 I want to become a better photographer and go around the country capturing beautiful and amazing things and people. I want to get part in a project of city repairing project and help with spreading the art and the culture in Bratislava.  I want to learn how to bake beautiful cakes and I also want to start knitting. I want to spent more time with my friends, since I still haven't found time to notice how amazing they are. And somehow I want to find myself too.

Give me time.