Set sail towards the sun

(vintage jumper, headband-Gate, jeans-Levi's)

Mamina mi povedala, že tento sveter by si neobliekla ani na opekačku. Ja by som si ho kľudne dala aj na plesové šaty. Ďalší potvrdzujúci príklad na to ako sa názory detí a ich rodičov môžu líšiť?
No a čo, že trošku smrdí bol za 1,75!
Neverte tomu, čo vám hovoria, nie vždy majú pravdu.

My mum's told me she wouldn't wear this jumper even on barbecue. I could dress it on a ball!
Another example of how the oppinions of parents and their child could be different?
Who cares that it smells horrible, I got it for 1,75!
Don't trust your parents, they are not always right.