(levi's shirt, naf naf skirt, Ann Christine bag)
Vždy som obdivovala polonahé dievčatá fotiace sa v snehu. Ich silu a odhodlanosť podstúpiť chlad januárových vetrov pri pokuse o dobrú fotku. A ona tá fotka naozaj nebýva zlá. Vo veľa prípadoch dokonca dosiahne ten najväčší úspech. Vždy sú perfektne upravené, na tvári nemajú ani náznak od zimy zružovenej kože a nemrznúcim úsmevom každodenne zaplavajú módne blogy. No a ja im len znovu a znovu posielam Hypy, Hearty a Voty, len aby som im prejavila svoju nekončiacu úctu.
Možno sa tiež raz stanem otužilcom.
I've always been fascinated with half-naked girls taking photos in snow. I admire their strenght and determination to overcome the cold january winds just beacouse of few pictures.And these pictures are not bad at all. In many ways, these girls are those who get the biggest success. They always look amazing, there are not any pink colour on their face and with their non-freezing smiles they overcrowd fashion websites every day. And as always i Hype their pictures, Vote for them or Heart them, just to express my never ending respect.
Well maybe I'll become an ice man too.